© Mori DiLopez 2025
© Mori DiLopez 2025
Introduction to the Artist
The versatile artist Mori DiLopez, after a complex artistic and vital journey, finds in a particular artistic resin technique a way to express her inner universe, which is both intellectual and spiritual. This must be an experience that is both physical and sensitive, and we can talk about an existential experience. The evocative work Prospettiva dalla Luna is a testimony to this. Her path into the matter—indeed, to the soul in it—has long been veiled in silence. But now, here and today, more than ever, stone Agata turns into a brooch. Between fascinating stratifications, we assume incredible chromatic and smoky effects, the smoke in a constant becoming that marks a passage of rebirth and potential until the end. At the same time, DiLopez - who declares herself in this title - is a vision from afar, an existential invitation from Mori, inviting the human being to look outside, to rise and observe from above, better to understand a “leap” towards a new path.
Biographical Note
Mariana Mora Espinoza, known in art as Mori DiLopez, was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She has lived for several years in Milan, but her artistic journey has long spanned across New York, after completing her master's in Art Direction and working for major advertising agencies, she began to draw attention to a form of art that is alive and rich in matter. Through an in-depth study of the resin technique, she begins to explore, the philosophical abstractness and rich her baggage from multiple cultural backgrounds. That's a trait that distinguishes the artist: in her works are found an experience and a testimony that reflect every artwork, unique and unrepeatable like the moments of our existence.
City of Barcelona Award
MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art) 4 Biennale
18-20 November 2022
Collective exhibition of contemporary art Margutta, Rome
Catalog of "Margutta 20" 06/2022
International Award Leonardo Da Vinci, Palazzo Ximènes- Panciatichi, Florence.
City of Berlin Award
Von Zeidler art Gallery, and Exhibition Palermo Galleria Effetto Arte Gallery